Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Advice Number One

This is where my advice column will be! This is where I tell you about advice that was recently asked of me.  I will write the stories in the persons view and remember, don't be afraid to post comments!

Advice number one

I have forgotten my retainer at my friends house and I can't go back until Saturday, what should I do? And not to mention but my mom will get so mad at me if she knows I forgot my retainer. -Milkyway99

Well I have to choices that you can do. You can do it the honest way and tell the truth, which would be tell your mom that you forgot your retainer at your friends house and she will probably forgive you. It would be a lot better than for her to find out that you lied to her than she knows that you told the truth. But my other reply would be on the sneaky side call your friend and ask her if she could come over the next day and bring your retainer with her.
I personally would just tell my mom the truth so that she would feel that I told her the truth.

1 comment:

Greg Ponder Photography said...

...oh would you now?? Life is good when you take that route...

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