Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Please read from the bottom if you want to know the info info in order and I hope you all do and please... please keep the info coming.

What Website Are You Quiz?

The what website are you quiz us the newest of my inventions. Today your choices are...

Yahoo... You welcome visitors graciously and think you are the winner of the world!

Facebook... Many people like you, you are the center of attention...wether you like it or not!

JuniorFacebook... You are lonely but you don't think that is bad you like the privacy even though everyone thinks you are a "nerd" you know you really aren't.



From Jonas Lover 9909

There is this boy in our class and he keeps bothering me my friends and alot of other people too! What should I do? Just straight out tell him he gets on my nerves or be polite and sweet and kind and BORING!?! 

Dear Jonas Lover 9909,

Get acquainted with him and see if you were wrong and then you make your final decision... think wisely, will you regret it our will you have fun with it?


Hello world!  My music teacher fell of the stage and she was in pain, but she was also in a kindergarden class so it was good they called our principal and he called an ambulance and she is know safe in the hospital. We sent her get well cards and they are supposed to be at her hospital by tomorrow. Who knew there was a JuniorFacebook I just learned that from my best friend in the whole wide world just a second ago! Back to the subject.  So this is for my music teacher! (sing this in your head) My music teacher are you good? Are you fine? Are you well? Don't struggle from pain it grabs hold of you so wriggle away and have a good day!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Pattern Are You Quiz

Know for this quiz we will figure out what pattern you are and you should not just choose the pattern you want to be you should chose the pattern you are most like and please...please leave the pattern you are on the comments board weather you like it or not! (and i don't mean to say that in a mean way)
The first pattern is...
Stripes: You are always ready to be on the go with your trusty backpack and all you can go whenever you feel it.
Lace:You are elegant and feel relaxed wherever you are and you feel that everything is in the palm of your hand.
Plaid:You are sort of raggedy and dissorganized you feel their is no reason to have organization, you feel it is just a waste of time.

I myself feel like I am stripes ready to go when I need to go and is always on the run! Most of my friends would be either plaid or lace, they are not that ready to go when it is time to go!


Hey! Welcome back to my advice column!

Recently a friend told me that people are being mean to her and picking on her and bullying her I didn't like the sound of that so I told her that...

She should stay away from those people and leave them alone and if they bully you once just don't say anything, if they bully you again tell a teacher and they will help you to resolve the problem.

Question from... Ali2cents

Sunday, May 10, 2009


This weekend i had a friend over...well he is kind of my friend he is annoying and gets on my last nerves and to top it all of he always gets me in trouble but on the other hand he is nice and fun to play with and shares nicely and he always says sorry when he doesn't mean to do things (which he usually doesn't) so i guess i should forgive him what do you think i should do?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Weather Sign Are You Quiz

Here I am going to list the names of some weather signs and what I think they mean so if you wanted to you could put the name of your weather sign that you are most like or that your friends think you are most like on the comments board.

First of we will start with...
Lightning: you are fierce in a way but also friendly and able to make friends very easily and people like you for who you are.

Thunder:People think you are strange but you think that is just the creativeness in your soul and you don't let people change that. You stick to you.

Black Hole: When you talk to a person or try to get a person to do stuff you want them to the get sucked into it without any chance to say goodbye to their families it goes so fast!

How to Read my Blog

Read my blog by scrolling down to the bottom and then going back up.

 -Because I would like it if you read from the beginning!

Advice Number One

This is where my advice column will be! This is where I tell you about advice that was recently asked of me.  I will write the stories in the persons view and remember, don't be afraid to post comments!

Advice number one

I have forgotten my retainer at my friends house and I can't go back until Saturday, what should I do? And not to mention but my mom will get so mad at me if she knows I forgot my retainer. -Milkyway99

Well I have to choices that you can do. You can do it the honest way and tell the truth, which would be tell your mom that you forgot your retainer at your friends house and she will probably forgive you. It would be a lot better than for her to find out that you lied to her than she knows that you told the truth. But my other reply would be on the sneaky side call your friend and ask her if she could come over the next day and bring your retainer with her.
I personally would just tell my mom the truth so that she would feel that I told her the truth.

Best Friends

Welcome to my personal journal!

Here is the scoop on what happens to me.I am going to tell you what happened to me yesterday and if you have any comments don't be afraid to post them! I won't be using my friends' real names only their nicknames.

Yesterday my best friends best friend came from far away and they haven't seen each other for a really long time so they are all hey Yash what's up? None of them not one of them even introduced me to her isn't that wrong! I know they haven't seen her for a long time but yeesh! When I came around they were all like hey you don't even know her so you should go away. That was just heart breaking don't you think?


WELCOME!! This is Lightning Strike. This is where you will see my journal and pictures of meplus some quizzes ! So explore browse and follow. But most of all have fun with it!